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+27 845590801

Troubleshooting & Maintenance


Fail-Safe Protection

The Gannet drone is equipped with built-in fail-safe protection. If the drone loses transmitter signal or if the battery voltage drops to 22V, it will attempt to return home and land. The fail-safe feature only works when the drone is flying in one of the GPS modes, as it relies on GPS to navigate back.

  • If the drone starts returning home before you have released the line, immediately release the line to reduce the load and current draw on the battery, increasing the chance of a successful return.


The Gannet is designed for easy maintenance, but the beach and marine environment can be harsh on equipment. Follow these guidelines to ensure longevity and optimal performance:

  • Battery and Connector Care: Treat your battery and Gannet connectors with Corrosion X every six months. Do not leave the drone in direct sunlight or a hot car for extended periods.
  • Cleaning: After use near the sea, wipe off any salt spray or moisture. Remove any sand after using near the beach. A paintbrush is an excellent tool for this.
  • Battery Connections: Test the battery connections before every flight. They should be tight and firm. Replace connectors if they become loose.
  • Body Screws: If you experience a hard landing, check the body screws that hold the body together. If any are loose, retighten them, be careful not to strip the plastic thread. 

Saltwater Exposure

Saltwater is corrosive and can damage your drone if not cleaned properly. Although the Gannet is waterproof, it is essential to wash off any saltwater to prevent damage to wiring and motors. Water or salt moisture damage is not covered by warranty.

  • Mild Water Splash: If the drone receives a mild water splash but no water enters the frame, you can wash it with warm soapy water or a salt removal product like SaltAway.
    • Wash: Use a salt removal product or warm soapy water (avoid dishwashing liquid as it contains salt).
    • Rinse and Dry: Rinse and dry with a cloth. Leave in a warm, dry place (not in direct sunlight) to dry completely.
    • Motor Care: Wipe the outsides of the motors with Corrosion X to prevent rust.


  • Transmitter Will Not Turn On:
    • Recharge the transmitter batteries.
  • Motors Will Not Arm or Start:
    • Check that all buttons, switches, and joysticks are in the correct positions.
    • Ensure the battery is fully charged to 25.2V.
    • With the battery disconnected, check motor rotation.
    • Verify GPS lock (green flashing LED).
  • Drone Will Not Take Off:
    • Check battery voltage.
    • Ensure propellers are installed correctly and rotating in the right direction.
  • One Motor Will Not Spin:
    • Contact Gannet for assistance; it may be a damaged or faulty motor.
    • Check motor rotation with the battery disconnected.
  • Drone Vibrations or Shudders:
    • Land immediately. Something is unbalanced.
    • Check for damaged or unbalanced propellers and motors.
    • Inspect the drone for loose parts.
  • Drone Will Not Hover Steadily:
    • Calibrate the compass. If the drone still hovers in a circular motion (toilet bowling), redo the calibration.

LED Meanings

  • Flashing red and blue: Initializing gyroscopes. Hold the drone still and level.
  • Flashing blue: Disarmed, no GPS lock found. GPS modes require a lock.
  • Solid blue: Armed without GPS lock.
  • Flashing green: Disarmed, GPS lock acquired. Ready to arm.
  • Fast flashing green: Same as above, with SBAS for better positioning.
  • Solid green: Armed, GPS lock acquired. Motors/props will start spinning.
  • Double flashing yellow: Failing pre-arm checks.
  • Single flashing yellow: Radio failsafe activated.
  • Flashing yellow with quick beeping: Battery failsafe activated.
  • Flashing yellow and blue with tone: GPS glitch or failsafe activated.
  • Flashing red and yellow with rising tone: EKF or Inertial Nav failure.
  • Flashing purple and yellow: Barometer glitch.
  • Solid red: Error.
  • Solid red with SOS tone: SD Card missing or error.
  • Flashing red, blue, and green: ESC calibration mode.

Compass Calibration

Your Gannet comes pre-calibrated, but if the drone shows signs of toilet bowling, the compass needs recalibration. Contact Gannet for guidance. If issues persist after calibration, land the drone and redo the process.

After-Flight Maintenance

To keep your drone in top condition, regular maintenance is essential. This includes onboard electronics and frame/motor care.

  • Corrosion Treatment: Use Corrosion X spray on motors and battery terminals. If sand is ingested, blow it out gently with compressed air.
  • Cleaning: Regularly clean the drone to remove any saltwater exposure. Use a salt removal product like SaltAway, rinse, and dry thoroughly.

If you have any concerns or need assistance, please contact Gannet.

We are happy to perform any necessary repairs and test flights.
