
The World of Drone Fishing
Fishing has been a popular hobby and sport for centuries, allowing anglers to get out on the water and try their luck at catching fish. However, modern technology is changing the age-old pastime with the introduction of drone fishing. Drones equipped with cameras and baits are taking fishing to new heights - and depths. What is Drone Fishing? Drone fishing involves using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), or drone,...

Why is balancing the drone for drone fishing so important?
As with all drones the Phantom balances its weight evenly across all its props. In the Phantom’s case being a quad copter one pair rotors spin clockwise and the other pair counter clockwise. When the drone needs to turn one pair is slowed down and the other sped up. The prop yaw then turns the drone. This means it is imperative that one pair will have power (speed) available in...